Developments in Global Software Engineering Education - Panel



Pictured from left to right, FIE panel members:   Michael J Oudshoorn (Wentworth Institute of Technology); John Noll (Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre ), Tony Clear (Auckland University of Technology); John Barr (Ithaca College, USA); Sarah Beecham (Lero, the Irish software Research Centre) Mats Daniels (Uppsala University)

Sarah Beecham co-organised a panel at the 46th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE)  IEEE conference in Erie, US; 12-15, October 2016. Six panellists, including Lero’s John Noll, shared their own experiences in teaching software engineering courses and in globalisation initiatives. They provided their personal perspectives on the challenges and solutions in providing Global Software Engineering (GSE) courses. Insights were backed up by findings from the panel members' report, - a recent and major review of the literature on GSE Education (Clear, Beecham et al, 2016).  The audience participated in lively discussions as to how to combine teaching soft skills such as cultural understanding and multi-site team collaboration, along with the all-important technical skills needed for successful Global Software Engineering.

This panel follows hot on the heels of a Workshop on Global Software Engineering Education (GSE-Ed’16) that was held in August, at the International Conference on Global Software Engineering